Saturday, July 23, 2011

My big 6 month old!

I seriously just cannot beleive that my little baby is already 6 months old! It seems like the time has seriously just FLOWN by!!! But even though it's only been 6 months it seems like Mason has been a part of our family forever! He just fits in perfectly and I cannot even express how much joy he brings into my life! A few days ago we took him fir his 6 moth doctor appt and they said he is doing great! He is right on track developmentally and physically! Here is a little info about Mason and his little cute things!

He loves to lay on his back and get his feet! I seriously think they may be his favorite play toy! As soon as you lay him down to change a diaper or anything he has both feet in his hands and he just smiles and is so happy about it!

He is sitting up with assistance and even going short periods without any support!

He has started foods and seems to like the veggies the best ESPECIALLY sweet potatoes! You cannot keep that food coming fast enough for him. I think it's so cute when I give him a new food to try he always makes this funny face like, "What is that?!!!"

He knows how to shake his head "no." I dont think it's intentional but it's so funny because at certain times he will just shake his head back and forth like he's telling you no!

He has a ball in the bathtub and kicks and kicks to make the water splash all over.
Now something he doesnt like......... TUMMY TIME! Ooooo he hates it and learned very quickly how to roll off of his tummy. We are still working on the rolling onto his tummy.

Mason is totally in love with his big sister. Just last night Maddy was in the living room singing and jumping up and down and he watched her and just laughed and laughed, I love to see that! I think she may have actually been the first person to make him laugh the first time!

He LOVES books and is very interested in them, he wants to touch them and really looks at the pictures.

Mason also loves to feel material between his fingers when he's falling asleep, it seems when he falls asleep on he he always has a part of my shirt or a blanket or a bib. It's so sweet how he rubs it between his fingers!

I love my little boy!

Friday, July 22, 2011

1 + 1 does not equal 2......

But it sure equals ALOT of love!!!!! When I became pregnant with Mason I knew that things would be harder with two children instead of just one but WHEW!!! I didn't realize just how different things would be! Of course I am absolutely 100% just totally crazy in love with our newest addition, Mason is just such an amazing little boy and I wouldn't trade the craziness for anything in the world but I'll be honest it's hard at times juggling two kids, packing a million things just to get out the door, one get's sick then when they get better the other one get's sick, then I get sick. Soooooo needless to say yes, it's been two whole months since I last blogged!

I wont even try to recap all that's happened, we have had a very busy summer but I will do some photo highlights! I have been keeping up with recording special things the kids say etc. through facebook, it's just so quick and easy to do it that way vs. blogging but those are usually just a few sentences of updates. Here's what we have been up to:

Lots of changes are happening too. Maddy will be starting Pre-K in the fall! I'm so excited for her but also sad that she's growing up : (    I wish that I could be a SAHM and keep her with me but I have to go back to work and she needs to go to Pre-K mainly for the interaction with other kids and to help with her speech and langauge. She has been diagnosed with speech/language delays and will be going to school in a Pre-K class to work specifically on this (FINALLY got her this placement after lots of fighting for her to get these specialized services).

As for my job well as of now I'm out of a job. The part time job that I had last year as an interventionist was cut because they dont have it in the budget so then I was going to take a full time job as an ESE teacher at my school but since Im going from part time to full time it's considered a "new hire" and there is a hiring freeze in our county right now so even though my principal wants to put me in one of the openings she cant until the freeze is lifted which no-one knows when that will be. Im really stressed about it. On top of that if they do lift the freeze before shool starts my first day back will also be Maddy's first day of Pre-K and I will not be able to go and Matt is planning to take her, I have been loosing sleep over it I'm so upset..... I dont want to miss her first day of Pre-K. :  (

So that's what's happening lately, I will blog more soon!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Missing you....

“Cuddled in Heaven” We had so little time to share, Too soon, I had to leave. I know how much you love me. I know how much you grieve. I know how sharp your pain is, I feel the aching in your hearts. My life so quickly ended before it barely had a start. I remember how you held me, and kissed my face and hands. You cuddled me so gently, but God had other plans. I was your perfect angel from God you knew I came. Suddenly he called me home again, and now God holds my hand. I know you’ll always miss me, I understand your pain is hard to bear. Just remember that I’m in heaven and we’ll see each other there. So smile when you think of me and wipe away all your tears. I’m cuddled now in heaven by our family members here. I’m waiting here in heaven, and on the day we meet again, I’ll be the first to smile and greet you, when God calls you home to him.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ever feel like your head is spinning?

It's 11:53 and I am up browsing blogs and facebooking a few minutes before I go to bed. This is usually the only time during the day that I have chance to even touch the computer! : )

I feel many times like I have 1001 things running through my head all at once. Here's what I'm thinking right now:

-Thinking about how I felt 4 years ago the night before Tyler was born, the heartbreak I felt, the feeling that my life was ending...
- Should I go to Publix or the florist tomorrow to get the fresh flowers to take to the cemetary?
- Is my camera battery chaarged?
- I need to remember to buy dish soap, launcry detergent, and formula tomorrow
- I had so much fun playing ball with Maddy today and listening to her laugh each time I threw the ball!
- What am I going to do about working next year now that my job has been cut and there is a hiring freeze in Duval County???
- I really dont want to have to work full time and be away from my babies
- Oh it was so cute today when Mason was smiling and cooing at the waiter at dinner tonight!
- Love how Maddy said at dinner, "I need to say my prayer!"
- I'm going to have to redo my resume yuck!
- Need to make the flash cards that Ms. Becky gave us at speech the other day to practice with Maddy.
- which bills can I pay in advance for the summer since I wont have my normal paycheck?
- Need to find my appt card so I can see if Mason's 4 month well check is this Monday or next

Ohhhhh I am feeling sleepy hopefully I can turn my brain off and get some sleep. Night-night.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yo-Ho Way to Go!!!!!!!!!

Last weekend we decided to take Maddy to this Pirate Museum in St. Augustine that I read about. We have never been there and Maddy is ALL about pirates lately! She loves Peter Pan and now is crazy about the new show Jake and the Neverland Pirates so I knew that she would love this. Plus, the past few weekends we have been so busy doing things around the house etc. that we were ready to spend a day off together as a family doing something fun! We got to St. Augustine and let Maddy run around a bit on the grassy area near the fort. She had a blast running up and down the hill!

Next we headed over to the museum. As soon as Maddy saw the flags she was saying, "It's a yo-ho! It's a yo-ho!!!!" It was a great museum they had real artifacts from pirates, a real wanted pirate poster, props from the movie Pirates of the Carribben, and even one of the only origional Jolly Roger flags! They also had intereqactive exhbitis where you could fire a gun and fire off a cannon. The loud cannon noise scared Maddy and she also wasnt a fan of the movie room. They had head phoines that you put on and it tells a tale like your on a real boat, it gets pitch dark in the room excepot for a lantern. Yeah, she was NOT a fan of that, we left that quickly! One of her favorite things was this fake pirate who was asleep in this glass display. He saw laying down and his chest moved up and down like he was alive. Maddy thought this was so cool. After we left she was telling everyone, "He MOVES!!!!" The exit was through the gift shop (isn't it always! lol!) and so we got Maddy some gold doubloons like they have on Jake and the Pirates. The only bad thing was they wouldnt let you take pictures in the museum!!!! : (

After the museum we went down the Old Street and then had lunch and picked up some Diary Queen on the way home. I love days like this!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


We got Maddy to go to soccer practice and play and have fun!!! Yay!!!!!!

So we went into the second week with NO expectations. I just told myself if she doesnt play it's ok, I'm just going to wait and see how she does (and I took her by myself this time, Matt had to work). So we got there and as soon as they began she was saying, "I want you Mommy, I no want to go..." So I told her ok Maddy you dont have to go you can just sit here with me onthe blanket and watch but we are going to be here for a while so you may get bored. It will be more fun to play. So she was timid kept going back and forth between if she wanted to go on the field or not. Then my freind Beth said, "Do you want me to take you to get a ball?" Luckily she agreed and then had a blast!!! She did all of the activities and loved it. It was so cute becasue every few minutes she would look over at me and give me a big smile or a little wave! Melted my heart!!!!

The coach was great with her and it was so funny because alot of the kids were stopping to pick flowers on the field (Maddy wasn't really interested in this) so finally he called the kids into a huddle and when they broke from the huddle they all ran and began picking flowers, all the parents were like what are they doing? Then coach said, "I told them they could all go pick a flower for their moms but then no more flower picking until soccer practice is over!" So cute!
Here's pics of my little soccer star!

Lot's of birthday's!

A few weekends ago we had a very busy weekend complete with two birthday parties! Maddy was sooo excited since she LOVES cake and cupcakes! The first one was for her cousin Catalina's birthday and it was at the Tea Room, this is a place that Mad's and I love to go for lunch. It's perfect because they have a little kid's dress up and play area so we sit right beside it and then she can just go play while we enjoy a relazing lunch! Here are a few pics from the party.

Next we went stright from this party to my niece Emma's party! Theirs was at their house and Maddy had a ball jumping in the jump house and eating snow cones!

Fun weekend!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Soccer and scrapes....

Oh boy was this evening an adventure. So a few weeks ago we signed up Maddy to play soccer. We have been sooooo excited for her first practice to come and she was excited as well. Whenever we would see someone playing soccer at the park or on TV Maddy would say, "That's what I gonna do!" So the day finally came today, Maddy's very first practice! Yay!!!!!

She was all excited to go, so we get there and we meet up with my friend Beth and her son who is doing soccer with us and then as we start walking toward the field Maddy tripped and skinned her knees on the cement ground. She started FLIPPING out!!! I mean yeah it was bleeding a little tiny bit but it was nothing HUGE. So she's screaming I have a boo-boo!!!! and crying I tried to make it like it was no big deal, that just made her madder. We then get on ther field with all the other parents and their kids and they get ready to go sit in a circle with the coach to get directions. Well Maddy decides she isnt going to go up and is repeating over and over, "No, I want you mommy, I want you!" Meanwhile ALL of the other kids are sitting quietly paying attention so I went into the circle with her she continued to whine and when he asked her name she hid her face in me. Oh my gosh I was so embarrased.

When she continued to whine we left the field because I didnt want to ruin everyone elses time. We spent the next 15 minutes trying to get her to go unto the field to participate and she just screamed and cried and wanted mommy. Finally we showed her there was another girl in the group and there was a pink soccer ball waiting for her so she decided to walk on the field if I came too. I go out there and she kicked the ball and ran after it about two times then decided that she wanted to throw the ball in the air and catch it. So here's Maddy throwing the soccer ball into the air (when your not supposed to use your hands) and all the other kids are following directions kicking the ball and doing other games. UGH! After telling her no throwing the ball she melted down yet again and at that point we decided to leave. I got in the car and was crying along with Maddy in frustration. :  (

It is sooo hard to see other kids cooperating and your child acting up. My mom reminded me that this is my first week back to work and so she's more clingy probably because of that. We went home and took a bath got her leg all cleaned up and put a band aid on and then cuddled in my bed watching Little Einsteins. Finally she had calmed down. I asked her if she wanted to try soccer again next week and this time play. She told me," Yes, Mommy and I no boo-boo!" Let's hope the next practice goes better with no boo-boo's!

Here's a picture of Maddy with her band aid eating a cupcake (since today was my birthday!)

Museum of Science and History

Over Spring Break we took a trip to the MOSH Downtown. Maddy is really into the show Caillou right now so the day we were going as we ate breakfast I showed her the episode where Caillou was going to the Planetarium and I told her that we were going to go to the museum and Planetarium today just like Caillou! She was so excited! She said, "I want to go! Come on Mommy!" When we got the the museum she said, "It's like Caillou doo's!"

We went with my friend Kelli and the little boy she nannies Gavin, and my friend Beth and her son Aaron who is only a few months older than Maddy. We got there and began by going through all the different exhibits. Maddy had fun pushing all the buttons and was so excited to get to the next thing she barely was able to take in the first! She would say, "I want moor, I want moor Mommy!!!!"

 After going through the exhibits we went to the play are downstairs. It is so neat it has a huge treehouse with steps to climb up and openings and then a water play area. Maddy could have stayed there all day! After that we went to the Planetarium and this was the best for Maddy's age. They had a Sesame Street themed show and Maddy was quiet and just in awe the whole show. Mason even enjoyed it! He stayed awake the whole time just looking up at the stars and every time the sky would move her would turn his head with it! To end our afternoon we had packed a lunch and went to eat down by the river. I love fun days like this!