Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekends are tooooo fast!!!!

This past weekend seemed to just fly by! On Saturday I went to some garage sales and then afterwards we took Maddy and Charlie to the local Butterfly Festival. It was neat, they had little crafts and kids area's set up, a few animals and then we had packed a picnic lunch to have. It was nice but not real impressive it was really crowded and WHEW! the Florida weather is picking up because it was starting to get HOT!
Then that evening we went to Hanna Park to meet Matt's parents for the evening. They have a camper and love to go there to camp out. So we met them for dinner and cooked out
some hot dogs and the girls enjoyed playing together we brought 2 babies and 2 baby strollers and this provided endless amusement for them! Then they went in the camper and giggled nonstop as Papu (that's what Maddy calls Matt's Dad) snuck up and scared them! It was so cute!

Matt got Maddy her very first fishing pole. It is sooo cute and little and PINK!!! They tried it out by trying a pretend food hot dog to the end of it and casting it and then reeling it in! Maddy thought this was sooo funny and loved it!

Friday I took Maddy to storytime at the Downtown Library. The story time here is the best! It's called, "Toddler Power-Hour" they have 30 minutes of storytime and then 30 minutes doing a craft. And the story and craft always go together as a theme. Today's theme was ,"In the Garden" We read books, sand songs, and did fingerplays about gardens and then in craft time they made their own garden critter it could be anything they wanted. Maddy made a worm!

Painting on the art easel at home in the playroom!


  1. I'm so jealous of all your fun festivals and weekend activities lol!

  2. Olivia- we have this great resource called Jax4kids they have a website and everything where they post local kids activities, so it's really easy to find fun stuff to do! : ) Do yall have anything like that there?
