Thursday, May 14, 2009

A friend who will be a friend FOREVER!!!

I am so excited! My friend Kelli is someone who I am very close to. I always feel like I can go to her and share with her how I am feeling about Tyler. I have many stories to tell about all the wonderful things she has done to let me know that Tyler is always in her heart but that will have to wait for another night because my eyes are starting to feel droopy! I am so tired but I wanted to add this wonderful picture that she made of Maddy with the dandelion flower! We call dandelions "Tyler's flower" I love this picture that she made SOOOO much! I cant wait to get it framed and hung up! Thank you Kelli!!!! Love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful to share in the memory of Tyler! I always new your children would be like my own... a piece of my heart forever... so I am blessed to also have a little angel in Heaven!!

    I love you guys so much!!!

    Love, Tyler and Maddys Aunt Kelli

    p.s. Its officially Tylers birthday (12:35 a.m.) Happy 2nd birthday little guy! Can't wait for your party!!!!
