Saturday, May 23, 2009


So today I have been thinking about redecorating my master bathroom. A few months ago I was returning something from USA Baby when I saw this amazing painting! I saw it from across the store and the wings immediately caught my eye! It was a little boy angel holding a white bunny rabbit. As soon as I saw it my heart skipped a beat... as I drew closer I realized that the little boy angel had wispy red hair!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! When I think of Tyler playing in Heaven I usually think of him with light red hair like his daddy has! I knew at that moment that this painting was just made for me. I loved how it seemed so angelic and peaceful just like the way I imagine Tyler in Heaven.

As I took the picture down and held it in my hands I began tearing up right there in the middle of the store but I didn't care! I had to have it, I turned it over and saw that it was a lot more than I expected! I called Matt and told him about it and like always he told me if you want it just get it! I must say he spoils me! So I started to the counter holding the painting close. As I got to the register the saleslady said to me, "Oh, this is such a beautiful piece!" At that point I couldn't hold it in any longer, crying I told her why I loved this painting so much." She told me that she had lost a child as well. It's weird how things work out like that....

Anyways, here's the picture, can't wait to hang it!

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